Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Let’s Build A Bridge To The Future

Have you ever seen any documentary featuring the car, gadget, appliance or what ever it was that they claimed was for the future? As you watch, you dream and fantasize about it and tell your self how good it will be to own it.
Well, if you want it, why don’t you go get it? Oh! Now you come back to the present – I can’t afford it; it’s too expensive; maybe next year; I don’t have the time for it…
Ask yourself, why not? Why can’t I have it? Why can’t I do it? Why can’t I build a bridge right now to that future I desire? Dream on. Dream Big. Begin to sketch down your dream, begin to think of ways to achieve it. Begin to unlock your potentials to achieve the impossible. Begin to build the type of bridge that will take you there. Never say ‘Never’. Never say ‘ I can’t ’. Rather, search for ways that will enable you reach your goal. Never set limits on your dreams. Never lower your sights. Never balk away from any challenge. Remember that quitters never win and winners never quit. Just like success and failure are twins, quitters and winners are close relatives. You either quit and don’t win or you win and don’t quit.
Nobody makes that choice for you. You decide to win or quit. Build a bridge to that future you desire. See it. Taste it. Smell it. Touch it. Hear it. If it becomes a reality in your mind, chances are that you will some day finish the bridge you are building and step on that future, a new today for you.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Where are You Going?

What determines your goals and influences where you are going are your values. Your values in simple terms refer to the things you consider to be of the most importance or worth to you. How you prioritize your values determine your choices in life.
Take a closer look at your values. Are they worth it? Are they self centered or parochial or are they positive, geared towards making a positive change in your life and that of those you come in contact with? The decision as to where you are going to in life is made much easier when you know your values and the priority you place on each of them. Let wholesome values be the determinants of the goals you set for yourself. One truly great value is that of living for others. The one true way of getting to the top and staying there is by getting as many people as you can to the top too. It can really be lonely up there, if you are alone. The success you achieve for yourself will fade when your life is no more, but the positive impact you have on the lives of others will remain forever and have a replicable effect that stretches from one life to another.

Friday, March 10, 2006

What Does It Profit A man?

We all have many desires and dreams. We have many goals and dreams we would like to see come to pass in life. It is important to note that in striving to achieve what we desire, we undergo a process of change. During the course of working towards our goals, we may meet new people, form new partnerships, acquire new skills, improve on old skills, develop our personalities, change friends etc. Definitely change occurs. What is very important is what we become, at the end of the process even if our objectives are not met. Do you become a better person or a worse person?
Life is not all about making money. Almost every body is familiar with the story of Judas in the Bible. Judas got the gold he wanted but what did he become? He is remembered for betraying his friend. For all the gold he got was it worth it?
Thinh hard. Most people measure success in terms of financial worth. Which is very misleading. Let's assume molney is the yardstick for measuring success. The question to ask is: In acquiring it, what do you become? What does it cost you? These words still ring true today - "What does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? What do you gain if in the process you lose your family, friends, your sanity, your intergrity, your health, your peace of mind or whatever else is of value to you? Which is more important to you? The money you acquire or the valuable things of life that you might lose if you don't do it right? By all means, acquire all the wealth you need, but think of the possible costs. Which is more important to you - to have little or no money and live a fulfilled life or to live an unfulfilled life and have all the money you need? If the choice is narrowed down to that, what will you choose?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Quit Running

I once read a story about a man and his partner who traveled to a certain place from their home city. This man's partner decided to go to the market and buy some victuals. It wasn't long before he ran back all shaken and scared. In a very shaken state he told his friend that he had just seen death and he knew that it was his turn to die. He begged his friend for a car and quickly started back for their home city.
Curious as to what this meant, the friend went to look for death. He met death and enquired from death why he had given his partner such a fright. Death told the man that he himself was really surprised to meet the partner in the market, because,according to death, he had an appointment to take the partner alright, but the appointment was for the next day at their home city and not in their present location. Guess what? That was exactly where the partner was running to, unknowingly to meet death.
The problems that we run from, are not solved by change of location. The problems and challenges of life are not overcome by where we are or the circumstances that surround our lives. The answer to every question we face in life is a function of ourselves. The answers don't come from where you are in life but how YOU handle the circumstances you find yourself in and who YOU make yourself to become as you progress to where YOU want to get to in life. Running away from where you are and your problems only leads you to other problems and robs you of the lessons, experiences and joy of success that comes from fighting your battles through to the end. So, why not quit running and don't quit fighting?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Going Beyond The Scarecrow

Have you ever seen a scarecrow keeping guard over a farmer's field, to keep unwanted birds away? I'm sure you have. Those scarecrows cannot move or take any step to stop those birds but those birds don't know that. So, they never move beyond the scarecrow to feast on what lies beyond the scarecrow.
So many of us go through life with the same mentality of those birds. On the journey to success, many scarecrows abound. There are many road blocks and obstacles which hinder us. Many of us, like those birds just sit by and watch longingly at what lays behind the scarecrows of life. The good news that the 'farmer' doesn't tell us is that the scarecrows of life cannot do a thing to us. It is our own fear of failure, inadequacy and our lack of confidence and faith in ourselves and our God given abilities that hinder us from moving on. Remember, just beyond the scarecrows of life lies the victory, the success, the achievement and whatever it is that we desire from life. Scarecrows can't do a thing. Just step on ahead and go beyond the thing that stands in your way. What is the scarecrow that is before you? Scarecrows never succeeded in stopping a man, rather, it is the man that succeeded in stopping himself because he did not believe he could do it.

Monday, March 06, 2006

The Global Change

When I was a young man I tried to change the world. It was difficult. I tried changing my nation. Alas! That wasn't possible. I concentrated on my town next. I failed at that too. As an old man I tried changing my family. As an old man, almost giving up, I realized that I should have started with my myself. If I had changed myself many years ago, I would have succeeded in changing my family. My family would have had an impact on my town. The impact of my town would have been felt in my country. With that, I would have changed the whole world.
~ Unknown Monk 1100 AD
Change is something that comes to all but in different measures. It is something we can't help at all. What we must understand is that though we can't stop it, we can determine the quality of change we go through and it's effect on us. Be the master of your own destiny. Choose the type of change you want in your life. Position your self for any future changes, that you may not be swept away by it.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

In The Land Of The Blind, I Don’t Want To Be The One Eyed Man

There is a popular saying that in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king. Of course, in the land of the blind, won’t you like to be the person who has got one eye? That automatically makes you king.
Many will grab that option with both hands without thinking about it. As for me, I don’t want to be that one eyed man. Think closely about it. The one eyed man is king. Who said so? If he is king, then what is the two-eyed man? Notice, nobody said anything about there not being a two-eyed man. It is only assumed that there is no two- eyed man. That exactly is my point.
Why must we live our lives on the basis of assumptions? Why can’t there be a two-eyed man in the land of the blind? Of course it is understood that the saying refers to a situation where there are no two-eyed men, but the emphasis here is that it is not explicitly said but assumed.
In every situation we find ourselves in life, we must not be contented to let things be just the way they are. We must constantly seek for ways to improve our conditions. We must seek for answers in the midst of chaos. We must seek for improvement in what has become an accepted pattern, what has become the norm. Can’t there be a better way? Can’t it be done faster and more efficiently? Can’t something new and different be done? Can’t it be easier? Must it be this way?
These are some of the questions we need to constantly ask our selves. We must not live by the standard set by other people. Let’s aim to live higher and better than we did yesterday. Let us seek for new things daily. Let us stretch our minds and imaginations and be innovative. Let’s pull out the best from within us by seeking for greater heights. The old saying tells us that the sky is the limit. Must it be so? Can’t we aim for the sun, and should it be that we fall while trying, land somewhere on the moon, far beyond the sky? Next time around, despite the failure, why can’t we aim for the stars and even beyond?

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Friday, March 03, 2006

What lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny
matters compared to what lies within us
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Take a trip with me. Let’s take a walk, you and I, through time. This time the journey is not to the future. It is a journey to the past. As we go along, observe in a backwards trend the progress man has made. We drive the latest cars now, but a few years ago, it was not so. Think of the model of the car you use now, think of the model before that. Accelerate backwards and think of cars ten, twenty years ago. Think of travel. Think of the speed of traveling some twenty years back. How about fifty years back? Think of traveling before the airplane. Think of traveling before the first car was made. Think of medicine twenty years ago. How about some fifty, seventy years back. Think of communication at the speed of your speech. Once I we are connected, as soon as you speak, I can hear. Was that the way it was fifty, eighty, one hundred years ago? How about all of man’s progress some one hundred years back? How about two hundred, three hundred, four hundred and many more years ago? You’ve got to admit we’ve really come a long way. How did these achievements come to be? You don’t have to look far. It was as a result of the challenges and necessities that faced us. Without the challenges of nature and its ever changing elements, without the needs that faced us, we would never had bothered to look for ways and means of finding solutions to meeting these challenges and making life a little bit more comfortable for us. In other words, the things that lay ahead of man always challenged him to look for a way to surmount the challenge it posed. Man had to look for the answers to these challenges inwardly and then actualize them. What lay ahead of man challenged what lay within to rise and overcome. The question is: which is greater? What lies ahead and behind us, or what lies within?
True achievements come from within. True success comes from within. The next time you are faced with a mountain, don’t run helter skelter. Look within, you’ll find an answer. Hang in there long enough, you’ll find a way out.

What Are Your Chances Of Success?

According to Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen, in their book,” The One Minute Millionaire”…
After 50 years of statistical research, W. Edwards Deming pointed out that in every process there is a beginning and an end. When you focus on the first 15% of the process and get it correct (its initial conditions), you ensure at least 85% of your desired outcome. By focusing on the first 15% of anything the remaining 85% will follow effortlessly.
Remember also, the age old saying that what is worth doing is worth doing well. Whatever you do in life is a reflection of who you are. It reflects to the whole world your capabilities and your commitment to quality. If I want to find out if you are a person of integrity, if you can be trusted, all I have to do is look at the things you do and how well you do them. Therefore make sure that before you undertake to accomplish anything, you are ready to go the extra mile and put in all you’ve got. No one wants to have any thing to do with a man who cannot be trusted to do it well and right.
Put in your best in whatever you are doing for it is a reflection of who you are. If you are going to do anything at all, then, make sure you do all you know how to, to start out right. According to the statistics your chances of succeeding are brighter. Let’s get into action now, let’s start right and autograph all our works with excellence.

The Butterfly Effect On Weather Conditions As A Lesson.

Simply stated – It means that the tiny changes brought about by a butterfly moving in a place as far as Francisco has the powerful effect to transform the weather conditions in Shangai.
According to the butterfly effect, the tiny flutter of a butterfly’s wings as it bounces gently on the breeze can create enormous changes half way around the world.
I believe that you and I could learn a great lesson from all of this. How many times have we given up on so many of our visions and dreams and tossed them right into the trashcans of our minds? How many times have you and I given up on something we once thought was a brilliant idea only because we found out that it wasn’t popular or well received, even though we knew that it would have had a positive impact on many? How many times have you and I given up on our dreams because we felt we were too small, inadequate, ill equipped or just simply incapable?
Well, it is high time we learned our lessons from the tiny butterfly. No many how small our efforts, no matter how small the possibility of success, you and I cannot give up on our dreams. We have got to press on. We have to put in our best because we cannot tell the effects of our actions to the present generation and even to the future generations yet unborn. We’ve got to do something to cause things to happen. That is the way that things are done. Why don’t you just stretch out the tiny wings of your unspoken ideas and begin to flutter them in the gentle breeze of faith. Why don’t you stretch out your mind and give birth to those tiny seeds of hope from which will come a bountiful harvest? Why don’t you stretch out your wings and fly to a world of possibilities where the gentle fluttering of your ideas can cause a reaction. You might not see the effects now but maybe, just maybe, half way across your world or another person’s world it is causing enormous changes.

Show Me Your Friends And I Will Tell You Your Chances Of Success

What a man loves is what he tries to surround himself with. Ever heard of a man who hates the smell of garlic and without having to, always stays where he is constantly bombarded with its smell? Or of a man who is in love and does all he can to be away from the one person that means so much to him? Doesn’t make sense huh?
Same thing for a man whom desires to achieve outstanding success and runs away from the people or company that will inspire him to succeed. It is also true of the person who desires success or to accomplish some task and all he does is to associate himself with negative talk or people who will not inspire him to greater heights. Eagles don’t dwell with chickens and for the life of them; chickens can never understand the eagle’s desire for soaring to greater heights.
If you desire a thing to be accomplished you must surround and acquire all you need to successfully accomplish it. You must educate yourself with what is necessary for the accomplishment of that goal. You must acquire the skills necessary for excellent success in your chosen field of endeavour. You must also acquire the resources that will be used to accomplish your goal. Do not forget the famous saying that if you don’t plan to succeed, you are planning to fail.
Success and failure are inseparable. They always travel together. They come together in a package. The interesting thing about it is that you can only have one at a time. You either succeed at a venture or you fail. If that is my chance for success, you can bet your life I’m going to do all I can to improve my chances. It is time I weeded out my friends, the things I read and the things I hear, leaving only what will positively affect me and improve my life.

Lessons From The Tree

Every one thinks that the principal thing to the tree is the fruit, but in point of fact the principal thing to it is the seed.
~ Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.
It is very easy for one to be awed by the massive size of different types of trees, to be awed by their beauty and the thousand and one features of millions of trees on this beautiful green planet of ours. But have you ever stopped and wondered at the beginnings of trees? Have you ever considered that one time they were quite smaller and maybe less impressive? Have you ever considered the wonder of the tiny seed of life from which trees were born? Seeds never grow so large. As a matter of fact they are a thousand times smaller than the tree that comes from them. Look at that tiny seed again. In it is a tree, in it are a million other seeds that the tree will produce for its entire life span, in it lies a million fruits! WOW! All in that little one seed!
The principal thing in life is that which comes from within. It is that which has the capability of bringing forth. It all lies within you. Have you ever thought of the wonderful inventions and innovations of man? Have you ever thought of how man came to achieve all that he has been able to and still plans to accomplish? Have you ever wondered at how it all started? It all started from a tiny seed. A tiny little idea, a thought, a vision, a dream, a desire. It was once a seed. A seed with so much potential. Now see what has become of those tiny seeds. Out of those seeds came forth all the great scientific and technological advancements and many more, that man has experienced. Have you got any seed at all? Are you looking forward to a bountiful harvest? Then, sow it. Don’t let it go. One day, the tree in it will come forth. One day, the other seeds in it will come forth. One day the fruits from it will come out. Remember, without the seed, there’ll be no fruits to enjoy.

Thank God For Expiry Dates

I once heard that every problem has an expiry date.
I heard that anything that has a beginning has an end.
Life is not just about starting the race, it is about finishing the race.
It is not just about how fast you run but more about how well you run.
It is not about the money you have but about the obstacles you overcome to get where you are.
It is not about the obstacles you overcome but what you become as you overcome.
Whatever the goal, it can be achieved.
Whatever the inspiration, it can be accomplished.
That’s why I say thank God for expiry dates.
All I have to do is hold on and make sure I don’t expire before my problem expires.
Nobody will remember how I did it. All that matters is that I made it. And I am a much better person through the experience.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Only Bad Idea Is The One That Was Never Spoken

Have you got any idea thoughts or comments? Well, I want to hear from you. I invite you to join the journey. Together we can and we will make it. Together we can both help some one out there make it. We can re - kindle the dying flames of someone's dreams that is about to be extinguished. We can help someone else's flame burn brighter. We can even light a lifeless one. I invite you to share with me through your comments. Let's share ideas, let's share success stories, let's share quotes and whatever you've got. Let's share. You can e-mail me at kennethbulus@yahoo.com

Every Man Is Born With Two Ends...what's Your Choice?

Every Man Is Born With Two Ends.
A man's Success depends on which end he uses the most.
According to a research I heard about, only 2% of the world's population are truly successful.That's not hard to believe. Just take a panoramic view of the world's population and its living conditions and you'll see for yourself.The interesting thing about this research is that success according to their findings is not tied to a person's background, education, up bringing, societal class or any such factors.Guess what was the common element of all successful people? Their MENTAL ATTITUDE.
Success is all about you.It lies within and not without. As a man thinks, that definitely is what he is. That is what he becomes.Success is all about a positive, never say die attitude.It is a not accepting no as an answer.
You can't achieve what you never dreamed of.You can't achieve what you never desired. You can't achieve what doesn't burn from within. If you ever meet a person who succeeds at anything positive without ever desiring it, I assure you that it will not last, he will abuse it because he will not value it.
To achieve success, You must use what you've got 'upstairs.' You've got to have the burning desire to go forth and achieve.Remember the saying, 'Where there is a will, there is a way.'
God gave you two ends, which one will you use? The one up on your head, guided by your heart or the one you sit with, and fold your hands while the world goes on by, leaving you behind?

We've Been Waiting For You !

Yes!We've all been waiting for you!The whole world has been waiting for you.Yes,I'm really talking about you.
Are you wondering what for?Just sit tight.This might help...
I once read somewhere that the greatest reservoir of riches is really in the - guess where - the grave yard!I'm not kidding.Think about it.Apart from the dead bodies, rotten bones, dust etc. in a grave yard,what else can you find there? DREAMS! VISIONS! POTENTIALS! that were never fulfilled.The many inventions and discoveries that could have been but were not. The many great musicians,artists etc. that could have been but were not. The many great business men, politicians, doctors, lawyers, singers, millionaires, scientists, engineers, educators, leaders and many more that could have been but never were.WHY?All because they never did achieve their potentials before they took it all to the grave depriving the whole world of many unknown and untold blessings.How pathetic.
That is why I am telling you that the whole world is waiting for you.What is that gift, that talent, that potential, idea, skill, knowledge, ambition, goal, dream or idea that you have that is yet to be fully achieved?We are waiting for it, the whole world is waiting for you.
Imagine what a world this would have been if the many gifts, talents etc. were never put to use. There would have beeen no phones, cars, planes, elevators, shavers, dryers, microwaves, cookers, cameras, modern housing and many more. As a matter of fact without that, you won't be where you are now reading this post.See why you can't give up on your dreams, no matter how little they seem to be or how difficult the road is.You just never know how much you could contribute to a needy world in making life a little bit more comfortable for your self and others.
Go ahead. Don't give up. The whole world is waiting for you.We are waiting for you.

The Journey Begins Today

Welcome to achievers' files.I'm so happy you could stop by.If you are ready I am also ready.Let's begin a journey.It is a journey to achieve.It is a journey for success.
Ever wondered why some people always seem to succeed almost seemingly effortlessly while others toil and toil and toil without any or much success?Ever had a dream or desire to succeed or achieve anything?Ever wanted to make a success of your life?You need not look further.You've come to the right place.
I really am excited for you and I.Why not let's undertake this journey together?As the old saying goes,'Two heads are better than one'.Remember,success is not by your I.Q.,background,financial standing,environment etc.
Then,how does success come?Well, that's what you and I are going to find out together.So,come along with me and together we'll do one another a world of good,as we journey together on the road to success and pick our lessons along the way.I really want to succeed.How about you?